He wants to add small video snippets to show the actual work his team carried out during the research. TERMS IN THIS SET (25) Abe has to design a presentation about the progress of his research team over the previous year. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Edit Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the OK button. In the Color menu, you selected the Orange, Accent 2, Lighter 80% color option.

Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the Edit Rule. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog from the Data Bar list, you selected Data Bar. In the Conditional Formatting menu, you clicked the Manage Rules. In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Styles Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. Edit the data bar rule so the data bars use the Orange, Accent 2, Lighter 80% color. The selected cells C2:C15 have conditional formatting rules applied. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the Apply button, clicked the OK button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog from the Top 5 list, you checked the Top 5 check box. Apply the Stop If True option to the Top 5 rule so cells with the top five values will not have the Data Bar rule applied to them. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Format Cells dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Format Cells dialog from the Font style list, you clicked the Italic list item, selected Bold. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the Format. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog in the Format values that are: drop-down, you selected equal or below. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog from the Select a Rule Type list, you clicked the Format only values that are above or below average list item. In the Conditional Formatting menu, you clicked the New Rule. Create and apply a new conditional formatting rule for the selected cells C2:C15 to apply bold font formatting to only cells that are equal to or below the average for the selected range. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you checked the Show Icon Only check box, typed 90 in the first icon value input, typed 10 in the second icon value input, and clicked the OK button. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog in the Format Style drop-down, you selected Icon Sets.

Change the values so the green circle icon (the first icon) will be applied if the cell value is >= 90 percent and the yellow circle icon (the second icon) will be applied if the cell value is =10 percent. Apply the default icon set Three traffic lights (unrimmed) icon set, but show only the icon, not the cell value. TERMS IN THIS SET (33) Create and apply a new conditional formatting rule for the selected cells D2:D15. inside the insert slicer dialog you checked the data check box then clicked ok +11 more terms inside the sort dialog you clicked the ok button use the quick analysis tool to apply the data bars conditional formatting option to the selected cells you clicked the quick analysis tool button, clicked data bars button add slicers to filter the data in this table by date in the design ribbon tab in the tools ribbon group, you clicked the insert slicer button. inside the sort dialog in the order drop-down you selected largest to smallest. inside the sort dialoging the sort by drop-down you selected cost. you clicked coffee button sort this data by values in the cost column so the most expensive items are listed first in the data ribbon tab in the sort and filter ribbon group you clicked the sort button. inside the insert slicer dialog you checked the category check box, clicked the ok button. TERMS IN THIS SET (15) use a slicer to filter the detain this table to show only rows where the category value is coffee in the design ribbon tab in the tools ribbon group you clicked the insert slicer button.